It’s time to open the 5th doors in the Guardians of the Galaxy, Friends, and City calendars. Today we get:
Here’s today’s YouTube video, including the MOC (turkey) made from the parts we got so far.
Today’s Friends model is truly confusing. I decided it’s an alpaca with a rainbow tail… but I guess it’s a unicorn, with the cheese slope instead of a horn? Or maybe it’s a piñata?
The City model is more obvious – a microscale train, with the ability to hinge thanks to the rounded piece in the second car.
Rocket Raccoon makes his appearance today in the Guardians of the Galaxy calendar.
Today’s MOC (“My Own Creation”) using the parts from all 3 calendars through today’s model is a turkey. Gobble gobble! I am particularly proud of the feet, which are the guns from GOTG day 1.
Here are the instructions to build the Turkey if you want to build one.