In this model Octan provides fuel for Micropolis vehicles, and a taco truck provides sustenance for their drivers.
Tag: micropolis
Micropolis Hospital
This hospital building is inspired by some old San Francisco General Hospital buildings from 1915. I built it a few years ago but like many of my models I haven’t gotten around to posting about it on my blog until much later. This was part of my Micropolis display featured in the Bricks by the Bay 2020 Virtual convention.
Micropolis Elevated Train Station
Inspired by my local BART station, this model provides for the public transit needs of the Micropolis population. It’s been the centerpiece of any of my Micropolis displays for a few years, and I’m finally getting around to posting here.
Micropolis Border
I built these border segments to provide a clean edge to my Micropolis display for the Bricks by the Bay 2020 virtual convention. Here you can see them on my home layout as I had it during the virtual convention.
Rainbow Apartments (Micropolis)
My latest model is a Micropolis apartment building in all the colors of the rainbow.
Micropolis Canal
I’ve built some new Micropolis modules, running a canal through the city. It’s not an original idea, but rather one that I borrowed from photos I saw online, and decided to make my own versions of.
Follow me on Social Media / Micropolis Houses
I’ve recently been trying to up my social media game, and want to post an update and reminder. I’ve started being a bit more active on Instagram and Twitter, and I’ve been posting on my Facebook page for a while now, but if you’re not following those then now’s a good time to start.
Instagram: @billwardsbrickpile
Twitter: @bwbrickpile
Facebook Page: Bill Ward’s Brickpile
And here’s my latest model, a pair of Micropolis houses, which I also just posted to Instagram.
Thanks to Little Brick Root’s Four Months of Houses project for the inspiration. For more information or to build your own Micropolis, check out the Micropolis standard from TwinLUG, and info about the arches for wiring that BayLUG members use in our Micropolis modules.
Micropolis Buildings
I built some Micropolis buildings according to the TwinLUG standard. I made four modules, which I named for what the residents of Micropolis would use them for: Live, Play, Shop, and Work. Take a look at the pictures on Flickr as a set or as a slideshow.