Sorry it’s taken me this long to put together the instructions to wrap up this series — using all the parts from all 24 days of the 2023 Friends and Marvel Advent calendars. I built an extra large Xmas tree using mostly parts from the two trees we got earlier in the month from those sets: Marvel day 24 and Friends day 12.
The instructions for this one are a little fussy; it would never pass muster as a LEGO set, but that’s what I could come up with given these parts. Each of the 4 sides of the tree’s greenery is in two sub-assemblies, and the lower part is held in place only by the upper part, but there is no stud clutch going on. You have to hold the small sub-assembly in place while you trap it using the larger one.
And here are the parts used.
This year I purchased and built two of the available five calendars LEGO has released: Friends and Marvel. You ll need these, or at least some of the parts from them, if you want to build the MOCs I designed. If you want the other Advent calendars for 2023, here are some links to them on Amazon: City, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. (But please don t support Harry Potter, due to the transphobic politics of J. K. Rowling.)