See me at Maker Faire Bay Area this weekend

Makey, the Maker Faire mascot

The annual gathering of creative artists, hackers, and all around cool people known as Maker Faire Bay Area is upon us again! Like last year, it’s at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, CA. Unlike last year, it’s just one weekend.

A number of us from BayLUG met today and set up our tables and many of our creations. We’ll be featuring a large Great Ball Contraption display, a small city with running trains, a little amusement park, a Micropolis city, and other amazing models. We’re also going to be located right next to the Brickmania booth, which will have a large submarine on display and LEGO-compatible accessories for sale. Besides LEGO, there will be many creative models normally seen only at Burning Man, so if you (like me) don’t want to go to the desert for that, you can get a taste of it here.