Day 11’s Advent calendars provide some of the best models yet – a cute snowman (City), a pastry stand (Friends), and a Luggabeast from The Force Awakens (Star Wars). In Christmas Build-Up we build a little snow chalet, and I used the leftover parts to make a farm tractor.
Today’s City model is a cute little snowman.
Friends gives us a pastry stand. I think we’re trending towards a little holiday fair.
In Star Wars we get to build the Luggabeast–a lovely little model with posable neck, legs, and stubby tail. It’s kind of adorable and a fun build. See Jay’s Brick Blog for more info.
For the Christmas Build-Up set we get a microscale ski chalet, complete with Christmas lights and smoke billowing from the rooftop (one assumes there’s a chimney under there somewhere… I would have put a couple of 1×1 plates to make sure, personally).
Finally, I built a farm tractor with leftover parts from the ski chalet.
Also, I caught up last night & this morning on the instructions for the past few days’ MOCs, so be sure to check them out. Day 8: Dragster; Day 9: Breakfast Dude; Day 10: Jet Fighter.