The halfway point is here – have you finished your Christmas shopping and preparations? Day 12 in the LEGO Advent calendars give us a pair of kiosks in City and Friends, and a great little Millennium Falcon model from Star Wars. Today’s Christmas Build-Up model is a biplane, and I built a white puppy dog with the leftover parts.
City and Friends both give us pretty much the same thing – a kiosk selling winter beverages. However the Friends one also includes a carton of milk and a chocolate bar, and it’s got a star on it, so it wins. Here they are photographed separately and together so you can judge for yourself:
The Friends model is also very similar to yesterday’s model. Here they are both together:
The star of today is the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo’s iconic ship from the original Star Wars trilogy and The Force Awakens. I assume this is the latter version, with the rectangular radar dish on top represented by a cheese slope.
Here’s the rear of the Falcon:
The Christmas Build-Up set for today is a biplane. It’s got some serious aerodynamic problems with the tail, I must say.
Here’s another view from the side:
And finally my own creation (MOC) for today is this little white puppy dog.