For Advent 2023 Day 18 I couldn’t come up with anything that had a coherent color scheme using the parts I’d got from the first 18 days of the Friends and Marvel Advent calendars, so I built something that doesn’t have to, as the real thing is often brightly decorated in many colors, a tuk-tuk. These function like taxis in places like Thailand and India.
Here are the instructions if you’d like to build one, along with the parts list (4 pages total):
And here’s the parts you’ll need for this model:
This year I purchased and am building just two of the available five calendars LEGO has released: Friends and Marvel. If you want to build the others, here are some links to them on Amazon: City, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. (But please don’t support Harry Potter, due to the transphobic politics of J. K. Rowling.)