I meant to post this weeks ago, obviously. I’ve been sick for most of January, and just got around to taking the last photo for the recap. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all a happy new year! We’ll start the recap with a photo of all the leftover parts you get after building each of the models…
If you missed out on your 2019 Advent calendars, ordering them on Amazon could help support this blog. Here are the links: City, Friends, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.
Here’s an overview of all 24 City models.
And a closer look at all the minifigures.
This year’s Friends models are all Christmas tree ornaments (like last year) except for the one mini-doll included.
This was the first year of a Harry Potter Advent Calendar, and here are all the models assembled.
Here are just the minifigs, along with the flags and the statue of the Architect.
And lastly, we revisit all 24 models of Star Wars.
A feature of the Star Wars models that never disappoints is the lovely micro versions of the space ships and land vehicles from the films.
And of course here are the minifigures that you get with the set.
So that does it for the 2019 Advent calendars. Again, apologies for taking so long to get this last post up. I hope you enjoyed following along with the models each day.