On the 11th day of the LEGO Advent Calendars, we get curling stones, a chocolate bar, another table for the Hogwarts feast, and a Star Wars gun turret.
If you don’t have your Advent calendars yet, ordering them on Amazon could help support this blog. Here are the links: City, Friends, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.
Curling is a sport that I’ve only ever seen as part of the Winter Olympics, but for Canadians it’s a normal activity I understand. It’s a sort of shuffleboard game, played on ice. Today’s City model gives us four curling stones and the target.
Now I see why we got a guy wtih a broom on Day 3! Two of the City figures are playing a game against Harry and a Stormtrooper.
The Friends ornaments theme continues with a chocolate bar with a ribbon and heart-shaped bow.
For Harry Potter we continue the Hogwarts feast theme, with another table and a candle.
Here I’ve assembled most of the Harry Potter models to make a little diorama.
Even Jay’s Brick Blog isn’t quite sure what this is, but even his guesses are more dependable than mine. So Starkiller Base Turret it is.
Update (Dec. 12th) After posting this entry, and seeing today’s is a Death Star Imperial Gunner, Jay has updated his entry for the 11th to place it on the Death Star rather than Starkiller Base, and I think that’s right.