Can you believe we’re already on day 9 of the LEGO City Advent Calendar? Did you complete your Christmas shopping yet? With the pandemic still raging strong, and we’re on stay-at-home orders again where I live, online shopping is where it’s at. Make sure to allow for shipping delays! Anyway here’s today’s model, a pair of wrapped gifts:
This same design is used in just about every LEGO Advent calendar. It’s really simple. The bottom is a row of 1×2 plates, then a 2×3 plate, then a jumper plate and tiles to match the colors of the bottom plate. It’s effective, but not very creative to just use the same design so often. Anyway, they look nice with yesterday’s tree:
I have a couple of large LEGO sets I’m getting myself for Christmas that just arrived last week (Black Friday shopping) but I’m holding off on building them until after Christmas even though I’m not bothering to wrap them. What LEGO sets are you getting yourself for Christmas this year, or hoping others will get for you?