Day 3 of this year’s LEGO Advent Calendars give us six models, because Friends and Harry Potter are doubles.
If you don’t have your Advent calendars yet, ordering them on Amazon could help support this blog. Here are the links: City, Friends, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.
I was kidding yesterday when I said they had a snow redistribution theme, but today we get a guy with a broom. He’s laughing, and I bet is about to get hit in the face with one of the snowballs from yesterday’s launcher.
The back of the torso has printing as well:
As I mentioned above, Friends gives us a pair of ornaments. I guess these are penguins? Not sure what species has a pink beak. They have winders in the back as though they have a spring loaded waddling mechanism. You get both, one with each type of eye – or you could have them be identical but with each having one eye winking and one not. Your choice; the instructions are not clear.
And here’s what they look like on the back side:
Harry Potter’s entry for today is also a double set, but this time trees. I guess these are Christmas trees, but why two of them with stars on top? And why white? This doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t remember trees like this in the books or movies…
Rounding out the group, today’s Star Wars model is a stormtrooper with blaster gun.
And another rear view: