Yesterday, June 9th, we had a meeting of BayLUG at the Museum of American Heritage in Palo Alto. Click any of the photos below to see the larger version from Flickr, or click this one to see the whole album on Flickr:
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Category: BayLUG
Bay Area LEGO Users’ Group –
BayLUG @ Maker Faire Bay Area 2019
As we have done every year since the very first Maker Faire in 2006, BayLUG has a display at this year’s version of Bay Area Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA.
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BayLUG 20th Anniversary
We had the 20th Anniversary meeting/party of BayLUG (Bay Area LEGO Users Group) in San Leandro on October 6th, 2018.
Amusement Park Train
I made this cute little train earlier this year. It’s meant to represent a cheesy fake train that you might find at an amusement park to ferry passengers between the parking lot and the rides. It features three cars and an 0-4-0 locomotive, built on the 9V train motor base. The cars use the smaller diameter wheels so that they can be low to the ground.
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BayLUG at Maker Faire 2018
This past weekend my local LEGO club, BayLUG, participated in the Maker Faire Bay Area, which they’ve done every year since the Faire started in 2006. I participated in every one from 2006 to 2013, and this is my first time back since then.
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BayLUG Show in Palo Alto Open Until January 14
BayLUG‘s annual holiday show at the Museum of American Heritage opens next Friday, and will be operating every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through January 14th, 2018 (closed on Christmas Eve). Come check it out! On Sunday December 3rd, we set up the exhibits and had a VIP reception for the museum’s top donors.
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BayLUG at East Bay Mini Maker Faire, October 2017
On October 22, BayLUG (Bay Area LEGO Users’ Group) put on a display at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire in Oakland, CA. We had nearly 20 members participating and occupied a whole room at the Park Day School where the event was held.
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BayLUG October 2017 Meeting
Every year, BayLUG (Bay Area LEGO Users’ Group) celebrates its anniversary in October. This was the 19th anniversary. The meeting was held at the Museum of American Heritage (MoAH) in Palo Alto on October 8th.
BayLUG September 2017 Meeting
Our local LEGO club, BayLUG (Bay Area LEGO Users Group), had a meeting on September 16th. I recently started going to meetings again after taking some time off from the club, and it’s good to be back. Sorry for the lag in posting about it though. The meeting was held at a church in San Leandro.
BayLUG at Maker Faire Bay Area 2015
Earlier this month, BayLUG (Bay Area LEGO Users’ Group) participated once again in the annual Maker Faire Bay Area, in San Mateo, CA. This is the 10th annual Maker Faire and the 10th that we particpated in (though I personally was out of town for last year’s show). We had a 75′ by 15′ space featuring a train layout, Great Ball Contraption, robotics demonstrations, sculptures and mosaics, WWII ships, and a kids’ play area. Continue reading “BayLUG at Maker Faire Bay Area 2015”