I am at BrickCon, writing this in a classroom in the Seattle Center, in the audience of a panel on LEGO blogging. Josh Wedin and Andrew Becraft from The Brothers Brick (TBB), and Ace Kim from TBB and From Bricks to Bothans (FBTB), are talking about their experiences in the LEGO blogging community.
I don’t have one of those T-shirts that says “I’m Blogging This.” but I am anyway. There’s a video recording being made, so you’ll be able to watch it later if you wish.
Topics include:
- Search engine optimization and blogging strategies
- “Hiring” other contributors to write for the site
- Using Amazon affiliate links
- Shifts in the online LEGO community (LUGNET, Flickr, Brickshelf, blogs, etc.)
- In-person events (BrickCon, other conventions, LUG meetings, etc.)
- Not profitable to run a LEGO site
- income not enough to live on
- TBB gives back to the community instead of profiting (incorporated as a for-profit org, but run as if it were a not-for-profit)
- FBTB is a sole proprietorship
- What benefit do you get from it?
- Andrew: Not the fame. Acts as a journal of his experiences in the community
- Josh: Just likes to write about LEGO, to day what he thinks
- Ace: Not a MOC builder, so it is his way to feel part of the community; also likes running contests