Today the City calendar gives us a wind-up bulldozer; Friends gives us some skis, poles, helmet, and a slalom flag; and Star Wars gives us a weapons rack with a flashlight/blaster and bow/arrow.
Continue reading “Advent 2015 Day 6”
Tag: star wars
Advent 2015 Day 5
Today the Friends set gives us another figure, while City gives us a cute biplane and Star Wars continues the Jawa theme with a micro scale Sandcrawler.
Advent 2015 Day 4
Today’s calendar brings us a snowman (Friends), a kiosk for the ice rink (City), and the Jawa selling the droid from yesterday (Star Wars).
Advent 2015 Day 3
For the third day of the 2015 Advent Calendars we have a sled for Andrea (the Friends mini doll), ice skates and a tiny rink for our City figure, and either a micro scale tank or a minifigure scale droid for Star Wars. [EDIT: Apparently the Star Wars model is a LIN demolitionmech autonomous minelayer seen briefly in Episode IV, so it is minifigure scale.]
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Advent 2015 Day 2
Today’s City model is a boy with a camera and a pretzel(?!); in Friends, we get a pair of ice skates with a little table; and Star Wars’s model is the Sarlacc Pit to accompany yesterday’s model, which apparently was Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge.
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Advent 2015 Day 1
Each year LEGO produces several advent calendars, featuring 24 mini-models, one for each day of December through Christmas Eve. For the past few years I’ve posted these entries each day on my blog, and as I write this it’s 11:46 PM on December 1st, so I just barely made it before the end of the day…
Day 1 brings us a Friends minidoll in a festive sweater, a micro scale Star Wars ship that I don’t recognize, and a pair of little remote control cars for City.
Continue reading “Advent 2015 Day 1”
Advent 2014 Awards
3 Advent Calendars.
24 days.
72 models.
14 minifigs.
2 minidolls.
4 animals.
2 droids.
9 mini spaceships.
3 gun emplacements.
2 hearths.
3 Christmas trees (including the droid).
Having built all 72 models, I’ve come up with some winners for the best model in each category. Continue reading “Advent 2014 Awards”
Advent 2014 Round-Up
Here are some roundup photos of some of the highlights from this year’s LEGO Advent Calendars. Continue reading “Advent 2014 Round-Up”
Advent 2014 Day 24
Last day of our Advent Calendar – December 24th, Christmas Eve.
The final entry for Friends seems a little underwhelming to me – a storage box for a camera and some ice skates? Strange combination.
City gives us a nice traditional Santa Claus, complete with chocolate chip cookie.
Star Wars continues with its wacky take on Christmas with Darth Claus. Okaaaay.
Continue reading “Advent 2014 Day 24”
Advent 2014 Day 23
Happy Christmas Eve Eve. Only one more shopping day – are you ready??
Today the LEGO Advent Calendars bring us another Christmas tree (Friends), a trike (City), and a somewhat sinister looking hearth (Star Wars). Along with yesterday’s goofy Christmas Tree droid, I like the way the LEGO Star Wars is approaching the advent calendar with a sense of humor and hope tomorrow’s is even better…
Just one more left!